The vaginal speculum The speculum is a medical instrument that is used to make an examination carried out by a doctor to be able to observe the moon from the cavities of the patient's body. The cavities that can be observed are the uterus, the challe, age, the nostrils, and the auditory canals. The auscultation apparatus can have different forms depending on the use that is going to be given to it. Only various models of genital specbya can be found at the gynecologist. Health professionals carry out a direct examination to take to make the aim of making a diagnosis or simply making a therapeutic gesture. In this way, the speculum serves to separate the cavity or duct to be examined. To help you better understand the different types of vaginal specula that exist, here is a summary of the overview of this consultation tool. Vaginal speculum examinations You can give different uses to the vaginal speculum. The medical acts that need the instrument are: sample extraction Smear polyp a...
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